CGI cover image of a character screaming surrounded by fire

Dr. Jeckyll footsteps echoed through the narrow streets of Alicante as he made his way to his favorite watering hole, a local rusty bar tucked away in a forgotten corner of the town. The weight of the day hung heavy on his shoulders, each step a weary testament to theContinue Reading

CGI Short Story cover of a Samurai standing facing viewer with a volcano in the far background with a deep red sunset in a sketch Asian art style by venezArt©06.23

A Samurai Story In the land of Azura, where the sun dipped into the horizon and painted the sky with hues of crimson and gold, stood a formidable warrior named Kaito. He was renowned across the realm for his unwavering courage and unparalleled skill with a sword. Kaito had spentContinue Reading